holistic HEALTH & wellness
Integral Sveta
March 31, 2015
Хочу порекомендовать замечательную doula Svetlana Doroganich.
Она очень внимательная и чуткая! Больше всего я оценила то как она прислушивалась к моим желаниям, следовала тому что мне было необходимо в данный конкретный момент. Не давила, не делала ничего того, от чего я могла бы почувствовать себя дискомфортно. Предлагала множество вариантов релаксации и я выбирала то, что мне хотелось на определенном этапе. За время схваток мы смотрели фильм, медитировали, Светлана делала мне приятный, расслабляющий массаж кистей и ступней. В то время когда мне хотелось поговорить, она рассказывала мне жизненные истории за которыми я и вовсе забывала о схватках. Во время самых сильных схваток она нажимала на те точки, которые притупляли боль. Надо сказать что мне делали стимуляцию Питосином и я не брала эпидурал. У меня остались самые замечательные воспоминания от родового процесса и сотрудничества со Светланой!
Elena Uraganova
Castro Valley
Mothers Name: Ksenia I.
Date of Birth: November 8, 2014
Hospital or Birth Location: El Camino Hopital, Los Gatos
Below are numbers assigned from1 to 5 by the mother that most closely reflects their opinion of Svetlana's services:
1. I did not have an opportunity to meet Svetlana prenatally. I initially phoned her while preparing to leave for the hospital.
Svetlana shared pertinent information with me and provided me with support: 5
2. The techniques suggested by Svetlana were helpful to me in handling the physical aspects of my labor: 5
3. The techniques suggested by Svetalana were helpful to me in handling the emotional aspects of my labor: 5
4. Svetlana's suggestions were helpful to my partner and/or other family members and friends present for the labor: 5
5. Postpartum, I met with Svetlana once. We discussed everything that happened during labor.
6. Overall, I would evaluate the presence of Svetlana as: 5; and
7. What comments or suggestions do you have regarding Svetlana: Svetlana was very helpful and supportive in aspects
of handling all the things that happened during labor.
Mothers Name: Elena S.
Date of Birth: September 14, 2014
Hospital or Birth Location: Eden Medical Center, Castro Valley
Below are numbers assigned from1 to 5 by the mother that most closely reflects their opinion of Svetlana's services:
1. Prenatally, I met with Svetlana once. We discussed my desire for a natural birth process.
Svetlana shared pertinent information with me and provided me with support: 5;
2. The techniques suggested by Svetlana were helpful to me in handling the physical aspects of my labor: 5;
3. The techniques suggested by Svetalana were helpful to me in handling the emotional aspects of my labor: 5;
4. Svetlana's suggestions were helpful to my partner and/or other family members and friends present for the labor: 5;
5. Postpartum, I met with Svetlana once. We compared my previous births to this one, and what a difference Svetlana made;
6. Overall, I would evaluate the presence of Svetlana as: 5; and
7. What comments or suggestions do you have regarding Svetlana: I wish Svetlana will remain active as in the Doula
and teach others to do the same. I hope she helps birth lots of babies through her natural child birthing support.
July 1, 2014
"I started Kundalini classes with Svetlana Doroganich in the 4th month of my pregnancy and continued up to birth. It helped me a lot to keep my body healthy and I felt good as a result. I felt so positive, relaxed and had a great sense of inner renewal after each class. She includes great asanas, meditations, breathing practices and mandala therapy.
Learning that drawing mandalas was a way of expressing one’s current psychological state was new for me and a very rewarding experience. I also want to share that the practices Svetlana taught me for birth included meditations to relax my body during labor and techniques to communicate with my baby during the labor. She helped me communicate with my daughter throughout the entire process of childbirth. Svetlana also took part in the birth, and it helped me a lot!
Thank you so much Kundalini Yoga and Svetlana!"
Julia A.