​I prefer that you call me when you think you are in labor, even if you do not yet need me. I can answer questions and make suggestions over the phone. We will decide if I should come right then or if I should wait for further change. I usually need an hour to get to you from the time you ask me to come. We will also decide where to meet - at your home, at the hospital or at the birth center. Except for extraordinary circumstances, I will remain with you throughout labor and birth.


I usually remain with you for one to two hours after the birth, until you are comfortable and your family is ready for quiet time together. I can also help with initial breastfeeding if necessary.

​I am available by phone to answer questions about the birth or your baby and would like to get together with you in about a week or so after the birth to see how all of you are doing, to review the birth, and of course, to admire the baby.


As a Birth Coach, I do not:

* Perform clinical tasks, such as blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, etc. I am there to provide physical comfort, emotional

  support, information and advocacy.

* Make decisions for you. I will help you get the information necessary for you to make informed decisions and support you on

   any decision you make.


I will make every effort to provide the services described here. In the unusual event I am unable to attend, my backup will attend the birth with you. Sometimes, it may be impossible for either of us to make it to the birth (i.e. with a rapid labor). If our failure to attend your birth is due to our error, there will be no charges and we will refund the retaining fee.  If, however, it is due to circumstances beyond our control or your failure to call me, I will keep the retaining fee and there will be no further charges.


​My fee for the services described here are $1,500, payable as follows:

​$500 as a retainer fee due when you select me as your Doula.  Balance due at the postpartum visit.​

*Immediate Doula Services provided for $2,000(excluding introductory consultation and preparation), because knowing one another beforehand and having a plan makes a huge difference during labor.

Birth COACH (Doula)


As a Birth Coach, or doula, I accompany women in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. I've been trained as a Doula through Natural Resources by Abigail Reagan. I coach mother and partner on what to expect and how to prepare using holistic techniques to ease labor and encourage a natural child birth whenever possible. I draw on my knowledge and experience to provide emotional support, physical comfort and communication with staff to make sure you have the information you need to make informed decisions as they arise in labor. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort.  I am independent and self employed. As your Birth Coach, I am working for you, not your caregiver or hospital.    


I will schedule an initial Zoom interview with you and, if possible, anyone else attending the birth, to become acquainted, to explore and discuss your priorities and any fears or concerns you might have, as well as to plan how we might work best together.  This meeting does not obligate you to use my services, but if you do select me, I will want to meet with you and your partner monthly on Zoom before your birth for birth education; to become familiar with your birth plan, review your diet, exercise routine, breathing techniques, your preferences regarding pain management options and the use of medication.  I will also want to know your own best ways of coping with pain and fatigue and how you and your partner foresee

working together during the birth.

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