holistic HEALTH & wellness

Integral Sveta

Holistic Health Coaching

A Holistic Health Coach is a guide and supportive mentor who empowers clients to take responsibility for their personal wellness goals.

Areas of Focus Include:

Weight Management
Food Craving

Emotional Exhaustion
Stress Management
Prenatal and Birth Coaching

Health Coaches address the root cause of issues and guide clients in holistic healing, addressing all areas of life. They discern that healthy relationships, regular physical activity, a fulfilling career, and a spiritual practice can fill your soul and satisfy your hunger for life.

A Health Coach is partner who inspires and co-creates transformative growth.

While a therapist often explores one’s past to examine unhealthy thought patterns and influences, an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach focuses primarily on the present and future. They highlight clients strengths and help them to make immediate lifestyle changes to work toward their goals.

Health Coaching involves examining a clients life right now to identify obstacles or challenges to living a fulfilled life, and then choosing a course of action.

Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches receive intensive training and specialize in aspects of life that that impact a person’s health.

An Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching focuses on nutrition, physical activity, relationships, career, and spirituality. These elements can impact markers of health such as stress, weight, and energy levels.

The relationship between food and lifestyle and how they both affect health is the primary focus of an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

Svetlana's Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Training

Svetlana received her training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s cutting edge Health Coach Training Program, where she studied over one hundred dietary theories, studied a variety of practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. Her teachers included Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine; Dr. Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine; Dr. Susan S. Blum MD, MPH, Founder and Director Blum Center for Health; Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University; Dr. Barry Sears, Ph.D, the authority on the dietary control of hormonal response; Dr. Harville Hendrix, Ph.D, creator of Imago Relationship Therapy; Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD; and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.

Svetlana's education has equipped her with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and preventive health. Drawing on these skills, the knowledge of different dietary theories, and her own personal experiences, she works with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results, while creating vibrant health and happiness.



This is the most comprehensive and effective program of all, taking into consideration all the elements of a healthy lifestyle. It's perfect for those who want to make sustainable changes that will improve their health and happiness, gradually, with support and accountability.

This comprehensive approach looks at all the aspects that make up your health, from nutrition to physical activity, sleep, stress, relationships, career, spirituality, joy and happiness. Together, we will bring attention to the areas that need improvement and through goal setting and simple action steps you will gradually make positive changes in each of those areas. Svetlana's step-by-step process is very powerful and essential in making changes and creating new habits that will be sustainable overtime. Becoming healthy is clearly a journey, and she will be with you as your teacher and guide every step of the way. Her ongoing support and accountability are key to this program and your success, as Svetlana will make sure you are moving towards your goals and desired lifestyle.



The program consists of 12 sessions, meeting every TWO WEEKS for 1 hour, via phone or Skype, during a period of 6 months. Svetlana has found that consistent meetings over a long period of time lead to the greatest and longest lasting results. During our sessions we will discuss your goals and concerns, cover related health and wellness topics, and Svetlana will give you specific recommendations and lifestyle tips that you will seamlessly integrate into your life; We will then discuss your progress, challenges and victories. Each following session will build upon the last, complete with recipes, food guides, handouts, tip sheets and many other resources that will be beneficial for your progress. Svetlana will also provide email support between sessions, as needed, as well as her loving encouragement and personal commitment to your health and success.

By the end of the program not only will you overcome your challenges, reach your goals, and create new healthy habits, but you will have an entire toolkit of new abilities, skills, information, practical tips and tools to continue on your journey of health and happiness. You will also have a new sense of love, support and care for yourself.


you want to loose or gain weight
you are confused about what to eat
you don’t know how to cook 
you have gas, bloating or constipation
you have acne and skin brake outs
you eat healthy but still can’t loose weight
you have low energy
you have strong cravings
you struggle with emotional or binge eating
you have unrestful sleep and wake up tired
you feel stressed and anxious
you feel disconnected
you consider yourself healthy but you want improvement
you need guidance, accountability and support to get where you want to be
you are committed to making the food and lifestyle changes needed to reach your goals
you understand that food and lifestyle have a significant role on your health
you realise that health should be one of your top priorities
you are ready to create a realistic and long-lasting healthy lifestyle


set and accomplish goals
achieve and learn how to maintain your ideal weight
terminate your digestive issues, constipation and bloating
understand and reduce your cravings
have clear and glowing skin, stronger nails and hair
learn how to properly nourish your body
understand and listen to your body
look and feel great
learn about new foods and how to incorporate them
feel confident in choosing healthy food
have fun in the kitchen as you prepare delicious recipes
brake free from eating the same foods out of habit and addiction
increase your energy levels
improve your sleep quality
experience less stress, worry and anxiety
find your own healthy balance
discover the confidence to create the life you want
experience vibrant health and happiness


Payments are made in full or monthly ($300 per month)


Ready to learn all the secrets to healthy living? Ready to take action? Svetlana invites you to join her for a complimentary health history session to discuss your unique situation and determine how you can reach your goals and desired lifestyle. 

In this free session Svetlana will ask a lot of questions to get to know you on all levels, including your lifestyle, nutritional preferences, sleep, exercise, challenges, concerns, goals and desires. This health history review will highlight what is working for you and what is not and we will bring attention to the areas that need improvement. She will identify all your health goals and desires, while understanding how you may be getting in your own way; and you will learn how this program and Svetlana's support will help you in reaching those goals.

YES, PLEASE! SIGN US UPInfo@IntegralSveta.com

Congratulations for taking the first step to improve your health and happiness, while reaching your goals!

To get you started, fill out the form bellow and we will get in touch with you within 48-hours to schedule your free health history with us.

First Name

Last Name





What time zone do you live in?

List your top main goals

How motivated are you?

10 being the highest

Anything else I should know?

Use this area to write additional information that may be relevant. You can also share your concerns, expectation or any other question.